Monday, October 31, 2011

Revising your Message: Evaluating the First Draft

Ricky Brackett
October 31, 2011
MAN 131
                                    Revising your Message: Evaluating the First Draft
            Today I want to discuss with you about revising your message. After you have completed
a first draft you may be tempted to be breathe a sigh of relief, send the message on it’s way, and
move on to the next project. We all know that successful communicators recognize that the first
draft is rarely as tight, clear, and compelling as it needs to be. Sometimes we have to be careful
of what we write because it will be revised . Careful revision can mean the difference between a
rambling unfocused message and a lively direct message that gets results. Depending on your
writing and the medium and the nature of your message revision task can vary somewhat. When
using instant messaging, text messaging, email, or blogging, the revision process is often as
simple as quickly looking over your message to correct any mistakes before sending or posting
it.  A lot of times we fall into the common trap of thinking that you don’t need to worry about
grammar, spelling, charity, and other fundamentals of good writing when you use these media.
Most of these qualities can be very important in electronic media particularly if these messages
are the only contact your audience has with you. Poor quality message create an impression of
poor quality thinking and can cause confusion, frustration and costly delays. To complex your
messages try to put your draft aside for a day or two before you begin the revision process so that
you can approach the material with a fresh eye.
            Making sure that you have accomplish your goal start with the picture before moving to
finer points, such as readability, clarity, and conciseness. When you begin the revision process,
focus your attention on content, organization, style and tone. From the textbook at my
Management class according to Bovee and Thill to evaluate the content of your message answer
these questions: “ Is the information accurate? Is the information relevant to the audience? Is
there enough information to satisfy the readers needs?”  When you are satisfied with the content
of your message ask yourself some few questions like Are all the points covered in the most
logical order? Would the message be more convincing if it were arranged in another sequence?
And also are any points repeated unnecessarily? Next consider whether you have achieved the
right tone for your audience. Spend  a few extra moments on the beginning and end of your
message these sections usually have the greatest impact on the audience.  Be sure that the
opening is relevant interesting, and geared to the reader’s probable reaction. Before you dive into
someone’s else’s work recognize the dual responsibility that doing so entails. If you try to edit or
revise without knowing what the writer hoped to accomplish, you run the risk of making the
piece less effective, not more. According to Bovee and Thill to evaluate someone else’s writing
ask these questions: “What is the purpose of this document or message? Who is the target
audience? What information does the audience need? Does the document provide this
information in a well organized way? Is the tone of the writing appropriate for the audience? Is
the writing clear? If not, how can it be improved? Is the writing as concise as it could be? Does
the design support the intended message?
            Substance refers to the content of the essay and the message you send out. It can be very
hard to gauge in your own writing. One good way to make sure that you are saying what you
think you are saying is to write down, briefly and in your own words, the general idea of your
message. Then remove the introduction and conclusion from your essay and have an objective
reader review what is left. Ask that person what he thinks is the general idea of your message.
Compare the two statements to see how similar they are. This can be especially helpful if you
wrote a narrative. It will help to make sure that you are communicating your points in the story.
A message also has to have a structure and in order to check the overall structure of your essay,
conduct a first-sentence check. Write down the first sentence of every paragraph in order. Many
people think only of mechanics when they revise and rewrite their compositions. As we know,
though, the interest factor is crucial in keeping the admissions officers reading and remembering
your essay. Look at your essay with the interest equation in mind: personal + specific =

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams

Ricky Brackett
October 6th, 2011

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
            We all know that there are no I’s in team. A team is not an individual that brings effort to
a team because one individual puts in all the work to get the effort but does not work with a
team. A team is a group or more than one person who helps each other to get the job done or in a
way work at things faster. According to the text book of business communication today a team is
“A unit of two or more people who share a mission and the responsibility for working to achieve
a common goal.” We all can agree that to be a team player it takes more than one individual to
succeed in the work force. However, there is always a good and a bad about teams in other words
there is an advantage and a disadvantage of teams. When teams are successful, they can improve
productivity, creativity, employee involvement, and even job security.
            Here are some advantages of just what a team is in a business sense. Work teams bring
another advantages as markets place a premium on cycle time, adaptability, and give a unique
response to the customer. Supervisor and management positions will survive as long as they
provide value to the core work teams who are now their customers. A facilitator role is a
transitional one because over time, even this role will either go away or their organization will
become correspondingly larger to justify their position. One advantage of team is team members
have the opportunity to learn from each other. Also, potential exists for greater work force
flexibility with cross training. Teams provided opportunity for synergistic combinations of ideas
and abilities. New approaches to tasks may be discovered, teams membership can provide social
facilitation and support for difficult tasks and situations. Also, communication and information
exchange may be facilitated and increased. Another advantage is that teams can foster greater
cooperation among team members. Interdependent work flow can be enhanced, also potential
exist for greater acceptance and understanding of team made decisions. Greater autonomy,
variety, identity, significance, and feedback for workers can occur. A few advantages that I want
to point out is that team commitment may stimulate performance and attendance, teams also
increased information and knowledge. They also increased diversity of views , increased
acceptance of solution and higher performance levels. Lastly, teams are often at the core of
participative management the effort to involve employees in the company’s decision making.
            Teamwork also has a number of potential disadvantages. Working in teams can be
frustrating waste of time. One of the disadvantages is that business teams can generate
tremendous pressure to conform with accepted norms of behavior. Hidden agendas is another
one because private counterproductive motives, such as a desire to take control of the group, to
undermined someone else on the team, or to pursue a business goal that runs counter to the
team’s mission. Cost is another one too because arranging meetings, and coordinating individual
parts of project can eat up a lot of time and money. Some individuals are not compatible with
team work as well as workers they must be selected to fit the team as well as requisite job skills.
Some members may experience less motivating jobs as part of a team. Another disadvantage is
that organization may resist change. The worse is having a conflict because conflict may develop
between team members or other teams. Another problem with teams is that teams may be time-
consuming due to need for coordination and consensus. When there is work to be done work
needs to be done. Where am I going with this? When you’re on a team and you’re on a team of 4
which is including yourself, there will be a situation when yourself and another person is doing
the work but the other 2 are not. However, the ones that are not doing the work want the credit
which leads to Free-riding and this may occur. Teams can have creativity and inhibit good
decision-making if group think becomes prevalent. Less flexibility may be experienced in
personnel replacement or transfer. According to the disadvantages of teamwork in a workplace
Employees may be so focused on working for the overall good of the team and fitting in to the
team concept that they put their own ideas on the back burner. This lack of innovative thinking
may keep your company from moving forward, resulting in stagnation.” You can find this article